Apartment prices in Miami vary depending on the lifestyle you want to lead within the different neighborhoods of Miami. Living in this city can be a very rewarding experience for you and your family. The good climate and the proximity of the sea make it one of the favorite destinations of many North American and Latin American families.

This is a large, thriving city with a strong real estate market. But how much does it cost to live in apartments for sale Miami? We’ll give you the answer below.

How much does an apartment cost in Miami?

The price of an apartment in Miami will depend on many factors, starting with the fact that the Miami real estate market has shown interesting variations in the average price of apartments for sale for 2024. In general, apartment prices vary significantly depending on the location and specific features of each property.

¿Cuánto vale un apartamento en Miami en 2024?

According to the Miami Report Q1-2024, apartments for sale Miami determine their price depending on factors such as: if it is a pre-construction condominium or if, on the contrary, it is a resale. Apartments located in front of the sea are usually considered luxury residences and generally, due to their high demand and low supply, they tend to have much higher prices.

The average price of apartments in Miami for sale 2024 varies considerably depending on the area, with luxury options in areas like Brickell and South Beach, and more affordable options in up-and-coming neighborhoods like Wynwood and the Upper Eastside.

To make an informed decision about which are the best opportunities according to your needs, it is essential to evaluate the characteristics of each neighborhood and have the support of professionals in the real estate sector such as PFS Realty so that you receive complete advice.

Of your interest: Investing in Miami: a unique opportunity for Latin American investors

Precio promedio de apartamentos en Miami

When asked how much does an apartment cost in Miami, it is necessary to understand thatpremium condominiums are more in demand in Miami, but their price is high. Luxury properties in Miami are defined by units that start at around $1.5 million and are for buyers who invest primarily for their private use. While, in the cheapest ones, the range goes from USD 400 thousand to USD 900 thousand. In these cases people think more about buying to get an income.

¿Cuánto cuesta en promedio comprar un apartamento en Miami?

The average sales price in Miami-Dade County for a single-family home is USD 650 thousand, while for a condominium it is USD 420 thousand (Infobae 2024). The sale of cheap apartments in Miami ranges between USD 300 thousand and USD 500 thousand, these are mostly studio or one-bedroom units that can be presented as an excellent investment opportunity especially for people coming from Latin America.

On the other hand, to know how much an apartment in Miami (apartment) with two bedrooms or more costs, it is necessary to take into account important points to consider such as the square footage built and the location of the apartment.

Remember that these average prices presented for apartments for sale may vary from moment to moment, but with this information you can get an idea of where you could invest taking into account your budget.

Don’t forget to read also: Buying in Miami as a Foreign Investor: Step by Step

Apartamentos en Miami: un mercado diverso

In conclusion, the real estate market in Miami is dynamic and diverse, with prices varying significantly depending on the location and features of the apartment. In 2024, the average sale price of apartments in this city reflects both the growing demand and the particularities of each neighborhood.


Infobae (2024) Home prices in Miami reached record highs in February 2024

Miami Report Q1-2024