Although there are many ways to obtain a Green Card, they all possess the same inalienable rights for their holder. These registration cards are granted for a variety of reasons, primarily for immediate family members of other residents, professionals in high-demand areas in the U.S. labor market, investors, or refugees.

  • Employment-based residency: Permanent residency can be chosen on the basis of employment. However, there are limited quotas that vary each year and run out relatively quickly.
  • Through family members: Although most green cards have quotas assigned, there is no limit on the number of “Green Cards” that can be granted to immediate relatives of citizens.
  • By adoption: There is a limited fee and considerable waiting time for those who want to obtain permanent residency through an adoption process. Many adult immigrants mistakenly think they can get a green card if they are adopted by an American. This is practically impossible, since the required age is to be under 16 years old. Green cards under this category are for use by citizens and permanent residents who genuinely wish to adopt a foreign child.
  • By courtship and marriage: The advantages of applying for a “Green Card” through marriage to a U.S. citizen are well known. Therefore, many requests are made under this category, which has no quota limit. However, there must be a real intention to perform the marriage act since only in the condition of married can permanent residence be requested.
  • Residency for investors: This category to get the “Green Card” has become very popular in recent years. The cases of Latin American businessmen who have sold their properties in the country of origin and have built their own companies in the United States are very famous. The disadvantage is that it requires a strong investment of dollars, a figure difficult to reach by most.

It is essential to note that in many cases if the investor decides to locate in an economically depressed region, only an investment of US $ 500 thousand will be required.
