Homes for Sale in Florida

Discover the Best New Home Sales Opportunities in Miami and Orlando

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Homes For Sale

After consolidating in 2023 as the state with the second largest real estate market in the United States, only behind California and above, among others, New York, Texas and New Jersey, more and more Latin Americans are attracted to investing in homes in Florida. Its natural attractions, with its beaches and climate, the tax benefits it offers to buyers, its cultural and entertainment offer, among other attributes, make it a unique destination.

In this article, we will explain the keys to investing in homes for sale in Miami, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa and other cities that are located in South Florida, and what you need to make your investment in real estate from any country in Latin America.

Why Invest in Homes in Florida?

There are several reasons why this state is ideal for making a real estate investment. Here:

Favorable fiscal and tax environment

If you are thinking of investing in homes in Florida, we tell you that this is one of the states with the most favorable tax and fiscal conditions in the entire United States. One of its great advantages is that when buying or selling properties you do not pay taxes on income, investments or inheritances.

Ideal climate all year round

Florida, especially the cities in the south of the state, enjoy privileged climatic conditions that allow its inhabitants to enjoy an average temperature close to 28° C most of the year, far from the extreme variations that occur in other territories of the country. This attracts a lot of attention from foreign buyers looking for an escape from the routine.

Florida Homes: Real Estate Boom

In recent years, especially since the pandemic that emerged in 2020, there has been a real estate boom in Florida that has led to an increase in the supply of real estate, with projects of all kinds that meet the high demand of investors in Latin America and other territories.

Business Center for Latin America

Although geographically not located in the region, Miami has established itself in recent years as one of the most important business centers for Latin Americans. The city is home to major corporations, startups, and other organizations and associations, and it brings together meetings of all kinds, from business to tourism, sports, culture.

Home Price Valuation in Miami

The Miami metropolitan area had the highest home price appreciation in the United States in 2023, at 6% compared to the dynamics presented in 2022 in its real estate market.

Miami outperformed other major U.S. real estate markets in the index, including New York (5%), Chicago (5%), Boston (3%), among others. In addition, the behavior of prices in the real estate market in the city was above the average valuation throughout the country, which was 2.4%.

Best houses for sale

How can you make your investment?

If you are interested in investing in homes in Florida, this is the step-by-step you should follow to get properties that fit your tastes and needs.

Define your investment goal

What do you need the property for: to live in it or to earn a rental? This criterion is key, as it will depend on what type of property you need, as well as the area in which it is located, amenities, services, among other factors.

Florida Houses: Choose the Property

Once you know what you want to do, it’s time to look for the property you need. At PFS Realty we have a wide and varied portfolio of real estate in which you will find many options to invest in Miami, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale or another city in Florida. In addition, our advisors will accompany you throughout the process to help you in your decision

Do you need financing?

When you choose your property, you’ll need to review your payment method. You can do it in cash, if you have the resources, or through a mortgage loan.

One of the advantages offered by the real estate market in the United States is that a foreigner can buy properties through financing. Several banks offer them mortgage loans so that they can invest in homes in Florida.

Perform real estate due diligence

This process must be done before making the transaction. It is important because through this diligence the legal, technical and economic situation of the asset is evaluated.

Florida Homes: Title Study

It is through this process that you will realize if the property is safe and sound in terms of taxes, and that it is free of limitations to the domain.

Purchase process

You are now closer to having the property in your possession. We recommend that in this step you have the company of a legal advisor specialized in real estate from PFS Realty, who will help you comply with all the necessary procedures, including, among others, a certified inspection. Don’t sign without being sure everything is complete.

Mejores playas de Florida

Closing the transaction

It’s time to finalize the negotiation of your property in Florida. In this step, you’ll sign the legal documents and transfer the funds to the seller. Ask about any additional approvals that are required based on your legal situation.

Florida Houses: Land Registry

Upon closing the transaction, homes in Florida must be registered in the investor’s name in the records of the county in which the property is located. Once this stage is concluded, you will officially be the owner of the property.

Always consult with a PFS Realty real estate agent so that the entire process of your investment in Florida is successful and you avoid inconveniences that later put you in trouble.

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Frequently asked questions

What are the best places to buy a house in Florida?

Some of the best places to buy a home in Florida include cities like Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, and Fort Lauderdale. Each of these cities offers different lifestyles, job opportunities, and attractions for homebuyers.

What should I consider when buying a house in Florida?

When buying a home in Florida, it is important to consider factors such as location, price, property size, condition of the home, and associated costs such as taxes and insurance. It is also advisable to work with a local real estate agent who can guide you through the buying process and help you find the right property for your needs and budget.

What is the average cost of a house in Florida?

The average cost of a home in Florida varies depending on the location and type of property. In 2023, the median home price in Florida stands at around $350,000. However, prices can range from $200,000 for smaller, more affordable homes, to millions of dollars for luxury properties in prime locations.

What type of properties are the most popular in Florida?

The most popular properties in Florida include single-family homes, condos, and townhouses. Single-family homes are ideal for families or those looking for more space and privacy, while condos are perfect for those who prefer a low-maintenance lifestyle with access to shared facilities. Townhouses combine elements of both types of properties.

What are the advantages of buying a house in Florida?

Buying a home in Florida offers numerous advantages, such as enjoying the warm weather year-round, access to beautiful beaches, and a wide variety of outdoor activities. In addition, Florida has a strong and diverse economy, offering employment opportunities in different sectors. The absence of state income tax is also a draw for many buyers. Finally, Florida’s real estate market has proven to be a solid long-term investment, with a track record of steady property appreciation.

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